Starting my own business

Top 3 Benefits of Going For Utilities Made Using Metal Casting Fabrication Technique

by Martin Williamson

When building your home, metals have a wide range of applications. In fact, some structures such as warehouses can be built using metal components from the ground up. Getting the most out of metallic materials requires you to choose the best in terms of the techniques used in their fabrication. The fabrication techniques largely affect the quality of the metal in terms of strength, durability, range of material, texture and overall finish. When buying utilities for your building such as staircase and balcony rails, door locks and handles among other others, the following are some of the top benefits you will enjoy from utilities made using metal casting fabrication method:

Variety of Materials to Choose From

Casting is a fabrication process that involves heating metals to their melting points, tuning the liquid metal into a mould and then letting it cool according to the desired shape and structure. Many metals can be fabricated in this procedure without complications. They include aluminium, steel, iron, stainless steel, silver, gold, magnesium and copper.

This is unlike some methods that limit fabricators on the range of metals that they can use. For instance, forging is a fabrication technique that imposes high tensile forces on metals by shaping them while they are still in their solid state. This means that forging is ideal for metals with high tensile strength such as steel and stainless, while technically eliminating materials like carbon and iron with low tensile strength.

Low Cost

Metal casting enables metal fabricators to keep production costs low, which translate into lower prices for the final products compared to other techniques like welding. First, there is virtually no material wastage and loss because the fabricators are able to heat a certain amount of metal and retrieve it when it cools down. On the other hand, using methods like welding requires extensive cutting and grinding, wasting materials quite significantly. In the end, the wastage has to be accounted for by including it in the selling price of the final product. Dimensional accuracy and reduced need for small material allowances makes metal casting a far cheaper process compared to ordinary welding and forging.

Product Adaptability

When metals are heated cooled during the casting process, their grains expand and move about freely in their molten state. When the metal cools, the grains settle randomly throughout the structure of the final product. This exposes make the product better adapted to handling temperature extremes during seasons like the winters.

When buying or ordering building utilities, look out for casting labels to make sure that you get the right product. For instance, you can buy "cast aluminium" rails for your staircases.
