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Choosing and Living With Synthetic Turf: Tips for Dog Owners

by Martin Williamson

Synthetic turf keeps your grass green and vibrant all year round, without wasting any water. However, if you have a dog, there may be a few special things you should keep in mind when selecting and living with your synthetic turf. Consider these tips:

1. Choose turf with durable blades.

If your dog likes to run, you want to ensure he doesn't wear a path in the turf. To that end, choose synthetic turf with durable blades. You want turf designed to withstand a lot of wear and tear, compared to turf that is primarily for decoration or low-use gardens.

2. Pay attention to drainage while shopping.

Turf drainage is key when you have a dog. Many synthetic turfs feature just a few holes along their base, and when it rains, the droplets wend their way through the base of the turf until they find the holes and exit.

Theoretically, dog urine can do the same thing, but this process can be time consuming, and in most cases, the urine that is left on the surface of the turf waiting to drain is likely to smell. To prevent this, you want to choose turf with the most porous base possible to encourage fast drainage.

3. Opt for poly products over nylon to prevent odours.

In addition to examining the porous nature of the base of your turf, also consider what the material it features. Poly materials such as polyethylene or polypropylene don't absorb odours. In addition, because polyethylene is an inert substance, it won't react with other materials, making it less likely than other materials to break down in the presence of caustic urine.

In contrast, nylon, another popular material for the base of many synthetic turfs, tends to harbour odours.

4. Keep odours in mind when selecting infill.

On synthetic turf, infill is the material at the base of the turf that holds the blades in place. Keep odours in mind when choosing your infill, and look for the material least likely to harbour odours. In particular, silica sand or quartz are great at rejecting odours, while rubber tends to retain odours.

5. Create an area away from the turf for your dog to urinate and poop.

While the right turf can easily withstand dog waste, if you don't want to get your turf dirty, you may want to create a separate area for your dog to poop and urinate. To do this, leave a small part of your yard turf free, and train your dog to only use that area.

For more tips on finding the best synthetic turf for dog owners, contact a turf company.
